Join us in celebrating the end of our reviewing year! The homeschool Review Crew members have cast their votes and presented 25 Blue Ribbons to 19 companies.

During the last month of the 2020 Crew year we reviewed some incredible products. A few of these companies were awarded multipl awards by our reviewers.
- Personal Finance Illustrated® Homeschool Edition {PEM LIFE Reviews}
- Math & Algebra Family Subscription { Reviews}
- Bible Unearthed {Drive Thru History® Adventures Reviews}
- Python for Beginners: Learn Coding at Home {Homeschool Code Academy Reviews}
- The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS {Truth Becomes Her Reviews}
- Economics Online Course Bundle {Boundary Stone Reviews}
- Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Romans & Philippians Bundle {Julie Naturally Reviews}
- Name Cards, Bookmarks, Activity Sheets & Name Plaques Personalised Gifts {CrossTimber Reviews}

Welcome to the November Homeschool Collection! We’re so excited you have joined us to enjoy some homeschool encouragement. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and find a quiet corner and allow our team to share some of their thoughts with you.

Annette from A Net in Time
- Lift Up your Heads, ye mighty gates – Learning the lyrics, delving into the life of the author, and pondering truths found in a great hymn.
- How to Create a Unit Study – Learn the five top considerations for making your own unit study.
- Move Ahead – A poetic study of the word ahead, what does it mean to move ahead?
- Give Thanks to the Lord –

Kristen from A Mom’s Quest to Teach
- Book Club: Make Way for Ducklings – Learn about ducks, read a classic book, and create a cute duckling craft with your children.
- Crafts: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You Look Like? – Learn about brown bears and create a simple, construction-paper brown bear craft with your preschooler.
- A Day in the Life of a Homeschool Review Crew Member – Just what happens behind the scenes for Homeschool Review Crew members? In this post, Kristen at A Mom’s Quest to Teach shares her own experiences of being on the Crew.
- Wordless Wednesday: Time –

Lisa from Homeschool Notes
- Online Homeschool Reading Programs at a Glance – Teaching your child to read has never been easier with all the online homeschool reading programs readily available. This post describes the options based on age or grade level, skills covered, awards given, parent involvement needed, and price.
- A Simple Way to Get a 5 Year Old to Write Without Complaining – Writing takes lots of mental and physical effort that can easily overwhelm young ones. A simple way to get a five year old to write without complaining is to start with labeling pictures. This post teaches you how.
- Geography Games and Toys for the Whole Family – Geography games and toys for the whole family are the ticket to building warm memories with your children and learning at the same time. Here are five products worth checking out!

Richie from Homeschool and Humor
- Which Homeschool Method Is Right For You? – Do you like to an easy flow throughout your homeschool day with direction and purpose? Most of us do – the less stress and anxiety the better, if you ask me. And one of the best ways to get this seamless flow to your homeschool is by knowing there are various types of homeschool methods – or styles – you can use! Read on to learn how to decide which homeschool method is right for you!
- How To Show Your Daughter Her True Worth – Daughters carry with them all the skills and life teachings that mom has taught them. As she grows, show her her worth through mother-daughter journaling with Truth Becomes Her. Read how my daughter and I grew our bond with God in the center and you and your daughter can too!
- What’s Your Child’s Learning Style? Take the Quiz! – Using the VAK system, you could have a visual learner, an auditory learner, or a kinesthetic learner on your hands. Discover which type of learner your child is and how to teach them according to their learning style!
- Discover Your Child’s Homeschool Learning Style & Resources for Each Style –
Michelle from The Brave Homeschooling Mama
- Gameschooling: Math – In this video, I share games to use for gameschooling in math.
- Gameschooling: Geography – In this video, I share games for gameschooling geography.

Michelle from Life in the Nerddom
- Free Homeschool Math Curriculum – A comprehensive round-up of completely free math courses for all grades.
- Printable Multiplication Clip Cards – A cute set of printable self-checking multiplication clip cards. Sets for 1s through 3s are free. The complete set of 1s through 12s can be purchased.
- 30 Wholesome Books for Middle Schoolers – A list of 30 books for the middle school grades that are completely clean and wholesome. Each book includes a short review and a link to purchase.

Yvie from Homeschool On the Range
- Eight Tips to Handle Holiday Stress – For all the joy and fun of the holidays, so comes the stress…
- A Gilded Age Christmas – This novel study takes students into a Gilded Age Christmas…complete with hands-on projects and tasty recipes!
- Christmas Around the World – Many families set aside their traditional homeschool in December to holiday-school…incorporating history, math, reading, science, and more into their holiday homeschool. Today, we’re bringing culture and geography together in Christmas Around the World!
- Safely Saving the Holiday Leftovers –

Dawn from Schoolin’ Swag
- Memories with a Box Mix – Homemade goodies are great but you can still make memories with a box mix. Ideas for simple and fun ways to create memories.
- Come Ye Thankful People Come Hymn Study – A hymn study of Come Ye Thankful People Come.
- Beethoven Music Appreciation Resources – Fun and easy ways to learn about Beethoven.

Looking for some more resources and encouragement? You can find our past editions here:
- January Homeschool Collection
- February Homeschool Collection
- March Homeschool Collection
- April Homeschool Collection
- May Homeschool Collection
- June Homeschool Collection
- July Homeschool Collection
- August Homeschool Collection.
- September Homeschool Collection
- October Homeschool Collection