Welcome to our monthly round-up. Amid the Covid-19 closures, many friends and families are seeking information on how best to support their children’s education from home. Be sure to take a look at SchoolhouseTeachers.com for all your home school needs from Pre-K to Year 12, every student every subject.
Today our team would love to encourage and support you with information so do grab a cup of your favourite beverage and allow us to bring you some encouragement.

Over the last month our team have reviewed some great homeschooling products. You can find more information here:
- The Action Bible Anytime Devotions {David C Cook Reviews}
- Continent Race & Connections Stationery Kit {Byron’s Games}
- Venturing with God in Congo {Conjurske Publications Reviews}
- Carole P. Roman’s History, Geography, Bedtime & Captain No Beard series {Carole P. Roman Reviews}
- The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set {Albert Whitman & Company Reviews}
- PRIDE Reading Program Level Kit. {PRIDE Reading Program Reviews}

Here on the blog a couple of our Mom’s have shared some great encouragement and practical help
- Why Charlotte Mason Narration Is Better Than Traditional Tests – Let’s break out of the cultural norm and stop teaching to the test. By using Charlotte Mason’s testing method called “narration,” we can achieve a higher level of learning in our homeschool.
- Mastering Study Skills – It’s time to work smarter not harder and for that, we need to teach skills and here are a few ideas for you.
Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses shares
- Homeschool Help – Here you will find a list of commonly asked questions along with links to posts with loads or resoruces to help you as you give your children a great education from home.
- Science in the Juniour Years – Some tips and links to resources on teaching science.
- From School to Homeschool – Tips to transition.
- House Cleaning and Home School ? – Is it even possible? It’s time to create a place of safety. This is no guide on house cleaning it’s about making your house a home to learn in.

Tracy @ Happy Homeschool Mom shares
- 4 Essential Tips for the Homeschool Mom in Survival Mode – Are you in survival mode? “Survival mode” is the term I use when I’m overwhelmed by difficult life circumstances. Here are 4 tips I use that get me through those tough, stressful times.
- 5 Important Benefits of Homeschooling – Are you thinking about homeschooling? The homeschooling movement is booming because it has many awesome benefits for your kids. Here are 5 excellent reasons you should go for it, too!
- How to Start Homeschooling Now – Do you want to start homeschooling, but you’re not sure how? Here’s a quick-start guide to help you begin the exciting journey of homeschooling your kids.
- How to Get Kids to Do Chores Daily – Would you like for your kids to do chores daily? In this post, I share all my secrets for how I get my kids to do chores every day without complaint.
Yvie @ Homeschool On the Range shares
- To the Overnight Homeschooler… – A concrete plan to educate the kids / keep them occupied so that you can continue to work from home at the same time. We’re making these plans available for all grade levels to alleviate some of the frustration and overwhelm for parents!
- Best Immune-Boosting Herbs for Natural Health – Learn how to use herbs effectively to ward off colds and flu! Maintaining a healthy immune system should be top priority all year long…

Annette @ A Net in Time shares
- Extra Resources for Time Off – Everyone it seems is getting extra time off school right now. What are parents to do? How does one educate and mind children when there is work to be done? Some of these resources might help you.
- I love to tell the story – Hymn studies is an excellent way to see people of faith sharing the gospel in musical form. Learn our history, remind yourself of what it means to live as a believer.
- Miss Austen – An captivating story of Cassandra Austen as she looks back over her old life, while living in the new. This book was so thoroughly enjoyable.
- When Field Trips are Out of Reach – Just what does one do when you want to do a field trip and yet find it impossible to do? Look for alternatives of course. Resources to help you when a field trip just isn’t possible.

Lisa @ Homeschool Notes shares
- A Simple Guide to Pen Pal Letter Writing – Your child wants a pen pal. What do you do? In this guide you’ll learn how to find a pen pal and how to write that first letter. You’ll get ideas for what kinds of questions to ask pen-pals, how to add pizzazz to letters to keep the correspondence fun, and how to keep everything organized.
- Writing Couplets With Kids – Writing couplets is a great way to get started with poetry. Two lines is not a lot to write, so couplets are good for those kids who find writing intimidating. See couplets examples, ideas for activities, and steps for writing couplets so you can try some with your kids today!
- 7 Simple Sight Word Games for Kids Learning to Read – Here are seven simple sight word games for kids learning to read that are easy to put together, using only a few materials, and take sight word lists and flashcards to the next level.

Jenny @ Our Inconvenient Family shares
- How To: Homeschooling for Beginners – An easy introduction to beginning homeschooling
- Bring Out the Wild in Your Child – A practical encouragement to let your children out in nature and learn to be adventurous!

Jenn @ One House Schoolroom shares
- Homeschooing through the Hard Times – Homeschooling can be hard on a regular day and some days are extra challenging. How do you approach homeschooling through the hard times? Here are my tips and encouragement for getting through when life turns upside down.

Debbie @ Homeschooling Dietitian Mom shares
- 10 Reasons Vitamin D is Important – Vitamin D is crucial not only for strong bones and preventing Rickets, but it also plays an important role in protecting you and your family against infectious illnesses. Read more here…
- When Did Dinosaurs Live? – Is it possible that men saw dinosaurs with their own eyes? The answer may surprise you. Click to read more now!
- 10 Healthy Soup Recipes – These 10 healthy soups will help you keep within your calorie goals. PLUS they will provide you and your family with much-needed immunity against the illnesses of the season. Click to read more.

Lori @ At Home: where life happens shares
- Geography Trifecta – 3 Great Resources – Three products that work hand-in-hand to help elementary and middle-grade students learn geography.
- Cherry Blossom Branches – Looking for some bright blossoms for your home during these days of confinement and upended schedules? Try this tutorial on how to make a cherry blossom branch.
- I Need Tissue Paper! – Out of colored tissue paper and in the middle of an art project? Here is a quick and easy solution to get just the color you need.
- Creating a Creative Habit – Creativity must be fostered and it comes easier for some than others. Here is some encouragement and ideas for how to foster creativity in your children.

Alyssa @ Teaching with Faith shares
- Storybook Learning: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie – This a great collection of preschool and toddler activities relating to the book If You Give A Mouse a Cookie. The activities are either academic or social skills activities to add to your day.

Kristen @ A Mom’s Quest to Teach shares
- Book Club: Review of The Timepiece – In the sequel to The Tinderbox, Beverly Lewis relates how the Millers continue to grow as a family in The Timepiece.
- V is for the C.S.S. Virginia – One of the most famous ironclads, the C.S.S. Virginia was only in service for short while but it helped demonstrate that the wooden ships would be a thing of the past.
- Book Club: Book Review of The Christian Entrepreneur – Looking to start your own business but not sure where to start? The Christian Entrepreneur offers great advice from Brock Shinen.

Dawn @ Schoolin’ Swag shares
- Scheduling Ideas for Multiple Children (Part 1) – Ideas to help you manage homeschooling multiple children and keeping the little ones out of trouble.
- Scheduling Ideas for Multiple Children (Part 2) – Specific ideas for entertaining younger children while you homeschool the older ones.
- Keeping Children Active and Engaged During COVID 19 – Free and discounted ideas for keeping children engaged and learning while staying at home.

Amy @ Healthy Happy Farm shares
- Simple and fun food for kids – Quick and easy snacks to make for kids.
- Easy Rainbow science experiments – Fun ways to make rainbows at home.

Looking for some more resources and encouragement? You can find our past editions here:
Don’t forget to take a look at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine the trade magazine for homeschooling families. It contains over 120 pages per issue of information, interviews, product reviews and guidance.
9 thoughts on “March Homeschool Collection”