Back to Homeschool Blog Hop — Homeschool Planning

Welcome to day 3 of the Back to Homeschool Blog Hop! I hop you’ve had an opportunity to check out the first 2 days: Monday — Homeschool Methods Tuesday — Homeschool Curriculum Today, our Crew bloggers are tackling the task of Homeschool Planning! A common question veteran homeschool moms hear is,  “How do you plan your homeschool … Read more

Back to Homeschool Blog Hop — Homeschool Curriculum

Welcome to day 2 of our Back to Homeschool Blog Hop! Did you get a chance to hop around learning about Homeschool Methods yesterday? If not, then be sure to do that. What an incredible day of inspiration Monday was! Today, the Crew will take those Homeschool Methods and show you how they choose Homeschool Curriculum to … Read more

Back to Homeschool Blog Hop — Homeschool Methods

Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, Classical? Which homeschool method is right for your homeschool? Welcome to the first day of the Schoolhouse Review Crew’s 5 Days of Blogging — Back to Homeschool Blog Hop! Today, more than 70 of our amazing Crew members tackle the topic of Homeschool Methods, bringing you their expertise, experiences, tips, … Read more is the latest venture from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, featuring online content designed for and by home educators.  It offers resources for kindergarten through high school in all the major subjects.  Topics include lapbooking, chemistry, special needs, creative writing, math, monthly reading lists, monthly special themes, and more.  The lessons and activities are available … Read more

Zane Education

This article is in collaboration with Zane Education. Recently, several of our Crew members were given Full Access to Zane Education, with *The Missing Piece. Zane Education has “the largest, and most comprehensive fully subtitled online educational video library” compiled to accommodate the requirements of the K-12 curriculum, and aligned to National and State Standards. … Read more

A Division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine