Election Lap-Pak, Benjamin Franklin, Timeline Collection, Time Travelers U.S. History and Make-A-State Activity-Pak Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Home School in the Woods. History as a school subject often gets a bad wrap. Many students find reading from a textbook dry and well, boring. If you find yourself stuck in the textbook rut, read on, because we have the cure for your history doldrums. Home School in … Read more

Home School in the Woods Collections – Lap-pak, Timeline Figures, History Studies & Activity-Pak Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Home School in the Woods. Home School in the Woods is one of my favourite companies. They produce stellar unit studies, lap books, Time Traveler series and much more. You really need to check them out. You will find that creating hands-on materials for studying history is THE thing … Read more

The Value of Gardening in Education

Whether it is a few pots on back porch or an acre of land carefully planned out in February, having a garden is an incredible asset to your family’s education. Even though I remember a time without cell phones or computers, my children never will. With all the extreme changes our culture continues to experience, … Read more

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