Crossbow Education Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Crossbow Education. The Crew recently had the opportunity to use a product from an award-winning company that specializes in multisensory teaching resources – Crossbow Education. When you visit their website you will find that they carry several tools designed to help you create a learning environment that promotes student … Read more

Zoo Whiz

This article is in collaboration with Zoo Whiz. Zoo Whiz is an online learning website for children that allows them to practice reading, math, grammar, vocabulary, and word skills while “collecting” animals and playing games with the points they earn. It is designed for kids ages 5-15, and allows the parent to customize levels of … Read more

Reading Kingdom Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Reading Kingdom. Created by Dr. Marion Blank, world renowned reading expert and Director of the Light on Learning Program at Columbia University, Reading Kingdom is an online program designed to teach children ages 4-10 how to read and write to a third grade level.  This interactive and easy-to-use program … Read more

Blog Cruise: Summer Reading

Welcome to the first Blog Cruise of the summer! We’re changing the format of the Schoolhouse Review Crew Blog Cruise just a bit. In the past, we have always asked a question and our bloggers answered the question in their Blog Cruise articles. Now, instead of a question, we are focusing on a certain topic. … Read more

Pearson Homeschool

This article is in collaboration with Pearson Education, Inc. Pearson Education Inc. a curriculum supplier to school districts across the nation, proudly presents Pearson Homeschool, created to help you develop a rich love of learning in your home. Pearson offered four elements of their curriculum to reviewers on the TOS Homeschool Crew. Each family had … Read more

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