This article is in collaboration with Pearson Education, Inc.
Pearson Education Inc. a curriculum supplier to school districts across the nation, proudly presents Pearson Homeschool, created to help you develop a rich love of learning in your home.
Pearson offered four elements of their curriculum to reviewers on the TOS Homeschool Crew. Each family had the opportunity to review one of the four products at a grade level that would be the best fit for their family.
myWorld Social Studies reviewed grades 3-6
myWorld Social Studies uses Essential Questions help students see the “big ideas” they’re learning about, and activate prior knowledge in social studies. These questions engage students in an active discussion of what they already know about the topic, but also encourage them to think further.
Scott Foresman’s myWorld Social Studies offers a variety of ways for your child to think critically about key concepts so they actively experience the world they live in and develop a true understanding of the subject.
Students don’t simply memorize facts, dates, and places. They take what they’ve learned and transfer that knowledge to new content, situations, ideas, and to their own lives. The goal is to help your students become a successful learner who will remember not only what they have been taught, but how to learn more!
Scott Foresman’s myWorld Social Studies will be priced at $69.99 for their Homeschool Bundle for the 2012-13 school year. Please visit Pearson Homeschool’s website for individual pricing details.
enVison Math reviewed grades 3-6
enVision Math engages your child as it strengthens their understanding of math. Available for grades K-6, it is organized by topic, and contains daily lessons that use a Visual Learning Bridge, to teach math concepts step-by-step. Each lesson contains purposeful, sequential illustrations while connecting interactive learning with guided and independent skill development and problem solving practice.
Reading Street reviewed grades 3-6
Available for grades 1-4 Reading Street, by Scott Foresman will help your child develop their reading skills with motivating and engaging literature selections. It utilizes scientifically research-based instruction and a wealth of reliable instructional tools to accomplish this. It prioritizes skill instruction at each grade level, so the focus is on the right reading skill, at the right time, for every child.
MyMathLab Algebra1 and Algebra 2
My MathLab Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 are two fully-digital programs by award-winning author Elayn Martin-Gay that provide parents with rich and flexible course materials. This personalized learning experience ensures your child’s success in Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.
MyMathLab is ready to use out-of-the-box or you can choose to customize and create your own lessons and assignments. Either path will be matched to your child’s learning style and pace. The course includes an Implementation Guide of mini lessons and online course management tools make it easier to teach Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. Your child will receive an interactive eText, personalized study plans, over 3,000 videos, and multimedia learning aids to fit his or her level.
Make sure you visit Pearson Homeschool to see how their curriculum might be used in your homeschool.

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