Now, instead of a question, we are focusing on a certain topic. For the summer Blog Cruises, some of the topics will include Summer Field Trips, Beating the Heat, Summer Staycation Ideas, and Summer Gardens!
For this first summer cruise, we bring you Summer Reading!
Oftentimes, the more rigorous homeschool schedule settles down during the summer months. Families are enjoying more outdoor activities, sports, and camps. It’s the perfect time to add some additional reading to the day!
So come along on this week’s Summer Reading Blog Cruise and learn how members of the Crew incorporate more reading into their summer schedules.
From Angie W. at Petra School — Book Reading Bonanza!
“In the summer months – for the chance to peek into the Treasure box, earn a free t-shirt, get their name on the wall, and for a glance at the smiles that our librarians freely administer – they will read more – in these two months – than they will read without learning requirements all year.”
From Jenn H. at White Trash Mama — Summer Lovin’ . . . books
“I remember all of the things that I have only just learned as an adult teaching them. I remember that they have the rest of their lives to continue to learn as they continue to love learning. Loving reading is a big part of that. If they can read, they can learn.”
From Lori S. at Special Connection Homeschool — Dreaming Big-Reading 1000 Pages
“One of our most beloved summer activities is signing up for the Summer Reading Program at our local library. The theme this year is ‘Dream Big.’ I was a little nervous signing up at first because this is the first year that Gess transitions from counting how many books she reads (20) to reading 1,000 pages.”
From Tess H. at Circling Through This Life —Which Book? Which Book? So Many Books, So Little Summer
“We’ll be schooling through the summer not taking much of a break from home education but because it’s summer, we’ll be adding in some just for fun books. We’ve decided that we’d like to do some of our summer reading as family read alouds.”
From Tiffany D. at The Crafty Home — Free Summer Reading Programs
“Thankfully, my kids are bookworms too. And to further develop their nerdiness I try to enroll them in as many reading programs as I can. Here are the free ones I have found and will be using this summer.”
From Wendy R. at Life at Rossmont — Let’s Read This Summer!
“Each summer, I like to have my children get involved with various summer reading programs.”
From Alyson B. at Family Style School — Keeping Kids Motivated to Read by Choice
“Here are a few ideas to keep your kids reading throughout the summer.”
From Angela W. at The Wellspring of Life — Programs, Incentives, Rewards . . . Start Reading!
“If you are looking for programs, incentives, and rewards to encourage youngsters to read, summer is the best time of year. All of these abound… you can find them in your hometown, a short distance away, and even online.”
From Kym T. at Homeschool Coffee Break — Reading and Growing Up
“How strange that signing my TEENS up for a summer reading program would occasion my reflection on how quickly they are growing up, but it has.”
From Lori L. at At the Fence — Reading Our Pansy Books!
“Pansy is the pen name of my absolutely favorite author! Her name is actually Isabella Alden. Her books were written around the late 1800’s, early 1900’s. All of her books have a strong Christian theme.”
From Beth B. at Ozark Ramblings — Books for Boys
“I’ll admit having struggles with getting Fritz to read as well. While he can read chapter books quite well, he prefers listening to me or audio versions. At least his still letting his imagination put the pictures in his head instead of the boob tube. So here’s what were reading this summer….”
From Tracey M. at A Learning Journey — Summer Smart Bookworms Soar
” Luckily, there are many summer programs available for families to explore. So let’s encourage all our bookworms and readers to read to prevent summer learning loss.”
From Lexi H. at Lextin Academy — Summer Reading: Attached to an Author
“Our strategy this year? To read several works by the same author. Our authors of choice? Laura Ingalls Wilder and Dick King Smith.”
From Sarah D. at Ahoy Maties! — Summer Reading Challenge
“Motivating kids to read becomes more difficult as they get older and busier. Reading, however, is crucial to vocabulary expansion and critical thinking skills. We don’t do much in the way of formal school activities over the summer months; but, this summer I am giving our kids who are still school age a reading challenge.”
From Cristi S. at Through the Calm and Through the Storm — A Family That Reads Together
“What I’ve decided to do this summer is to simply press on with the reading plan that I came up with a few months ago — family reading time.”
From Nicole at Journey to Excellence — Summer Reading: A Time for Mom
“But what I will really be doing a lot of is reading MYSELF! I have a list of books I am wanting to read.”
From Marcy C. at Ben and Me — Get Your Kids Reading with Summer Reading Programs
“There will likely be hot, humid days. There will likely be rainy days. There will likely be some road trips/field trips/vacations that require time in the car. There’s always bedtime reading, too. So don’t forget to fill that book basket with books for summer reading. And if your kids need a little incentive, here are Ten Summer Reading Programs to inspire them!”
Enjoy your summer reading!
And check back next week when we’ll fill you in on lots of great options for Summer Field Trips!
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