Five Things I Learned from Beginning a Co-op (or NOT Beginning a Co-op)

I am a “strong-willed” person. I am passionate. I am a mover and a shaker. Can you relate? We’re the ones assigned jobs because others know we’ll get them done. This also is true when I get an idea in my head and I know I want to see it come to fruition. I WILL … Read more

Growth and Balance in Our Homeschool

When we first began homeschooling Elizabeth when she was about four years old, I kept everything very compartmentalized. I subscribed to the classical school method to a T. School time was in the mornings at the kitchen table, doing our lessons and workbooks. Eating time was for meals. Playtime was rest time for this pregnant … Read more

Homeschooling Through Hardships

  Let’s face it – life happens.  Hardships and difficult situations come into the life of every family.  Dealing with hardships can put stresses not only on family life as a whole but also on homeschooling.  Our family has been going through a very challenging circumstance for the past year.  My husband sustained a traumatic … Read more

Learning about Independence Day (July 4th)

photo credit I believe most of us look forward to watching fireworks on the 4th of July, but do we really remember what the importance of this day is all about? On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was officially adopted and we became our own country from Great Britain. Very exciting! That is … Read more

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