Teaching foreign languages can lead to fun and interesting challenges. Did you know you can learn the language right alongside your children? There are so many great resources and curriculum to help you and your children learn French, Spanish, Latin, German, and others.
Learning Together
Buy an extra copy of the student work text for yourself and start learning! Whether you are teaching a foreign language you took in high school or college, or it is a new one, start at the beginning with your children. You’ll feel more confident in the fact that you already have a basic knowledge of the language and pronunciation and receive a refresher for yourself.
Make learning fun. Label objects around your house such as chair (chaise or silla), fridge (réfrigérateur or refrigerador), window (fenêtre or ventana), or door (porte or puerta). Buy food from the country whose language you are learning as snacks.
Outsourcing Foreign Languages
Don’t have the time to focus on foreign languages yourself? Don’t have the confidence to teach the language your child wants to learn? There are resources that can step in for you. Online videos, apps, co-ops, and private tutors are all great ways to teach foreign languages.
Our Favorite Resources
Some of our favorite resources for teaching foreign languages include:
- Memoria Press
- JAM with Latin
- Whistlefrtiz
- And of course, SchoolhouseTeachers.com.
With SchoolhouseTeachers.com, you can learn a number of different languages including:

Foreign Languages
Teaching foreign languages in your homeschool can bring great blessings to your children’s education. It opens the door to cooking new cuisines, listening to different music, reading the Bible in a different language, and more. So many unique opportunities await your homeschool family.
In addition to enriching your children’s homeschool journey, by providing foreign language education, you will also be encouraging critical thinking skills and other communication skills. When learning a foreign language, your children will gain a better understanding of their native language as they study vocabulary and grammar. And a second language can improve standardized test scores such as the ACT/SAT or the GRE.
A second language can also open doors for different career opportunities and travel. If your child is able to communicate efficiently in a foreign language, your child will have different career paths open to him or her. It can also give a competitive edge in the hiring process. And being able to speak another language encourages one to travel to the home country of that language. Understanding German or French makes it easier to travel in Germany or France.
So what foreign language are your children studying this homeschool year?

HomeschoolingFinds.com Author
This article has been written by Kristen Heider. She is the Business Building Team Manager and the Social Media Manager of The Old Schoolhouse®. She shares more about her family’s homeschooling journey at A Mom’s Quest Teach.