Practical Grace for the Homeschooling Mom
You are an amazing mom to be teaching your children at home. When things are difficult teach them something new. How to give practical grace.
You are an amazing mom to be teaching your children at home. When things are difficult teach them something new. How to give practical grace.
Most of the time when favorite homeschool subjects are being discussed, someone is asking one of your students, “What’s your favorite subject?” In my house, the answer would be, “Anything but math!” But this week’s Blog Cruise is a fun one! We are asking members of the Crew which subjects are their favorites to teach! … Read more
Home educators are all about learning. We spend a disproportionate amount of our time thinking, planning, collecting materials, and preparing a cerebral meal for our best and most important students – our children. Phonics turns into creative writing, baking soda-driven volcanoes morph into equations on a page, and the years drift by as relentless … Read more
Three years ago when I started homeschooling, one name kept coming up in conversation: Charlotte Mason. She was everywhere. Then I discovered she’d been dead for over 80 years, and I started to wonder what she had to do with twenty-first century homeschooling. So I started digging. I discovered her premise contained twenty basic principles, … Read more
Children should be made early intimate with the trees, too; should pick out half a dozen trees, oak, elm, ash, beech, in their winter nakedness, and take these to be their year-long friends. ~Charlotte Mason Most of us are happy to pack up and head outdoors for a nature walk or other study of nature … Read more