Homeschooling Through Hardships

  Let’s face it – life happens.  Hardships and difficult situations come into the life of every family.  Dealing with hardships can put stresses not only on family life as a whole but also on homeschooling.  Our family has been going through a very challenging circumstance for the past year.  My husband sustained a traumatic … Read more

Integrating Cursive Handwriting with Art and History (Classical Conversations Prescripts Review)

Classical Conversations is perhaps best known for its nation-wide network of communities to help parents provide their children with a Christian classical education. Begun in 1997 with 11 students, it has grown to over 36,000 students in 35 states, 5 countries and 3 continents.  The organization has recently published a new handwriting series called PreScripts.  … Read more

Teaching Writing and the Classics with IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing Review)

Talk to a ‘seasoned’ homeschooler and odds are that they have either used or at least heard about the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW).  The company originated after Andrew Pudewa found himself a requested presenter to help teachers learn how to teach writing based on the structure and style in composition seminar taught by … Read more

Literature-Rich Studies for Ages 7-13 (Moving Beyond the Page Review)

Moving Beyond the Page is a literature-rich curriculum that encourages children to think both critically and creatively.  Appealing to multiple learning styles, the units are engaging and challenging.  Children will think independently and “outside-the-box” as they respond to their reading through activities and projects.  Meeting state and national standards, you won’t find gaps within the Moving Beyond the Page … Read more

Making Homeschooling through the Summer Work

You would think that suggesting we do school during the summer would make me an unpopular mommy, but truly, I did not have any problems introducing the idea to my children. We have been homeschooling through summer for a few years and it works well for our family. There are a few steps that I … Read more

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