Ultra Safe Safety Scissors & Pencil Grip Training Kit Reviews

This article is in collaboration with The Pencil Grip. The Pencil Grip, Inc. was started in 1992 by educational therapist Dr. Lois Provda and have provided the Homeschool Review Crew with two fabulous products to help students with their writing grip and using scissors safely and effectively. The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors have been designed … Read more

Channie’s Visual Handwriting & Math Workbooks Reviews

This article is a collaboration with Channie’s Visual Handwriting Workbooks. Have you ever met a child who struggles with handwriting? Or a child who struggles with math because they didn’t line up the numbers? It seems that penmanship is a frustration for many children. Chan Bohacheff noticed the same struggles with her son. So she … Read more

Language Arts Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Eclectic Foundations. Language Arts is made up of many different components. Many times homeschoolers have to use multiple resources and books to include all of them. With Eclectic Foundations, one student workbook and teacher’s guide includes all needed lessons for Phonics, Grammar, Spelling, Reading Comprehension, Handwriting, Composition, and Poetry. … Read more

High-quality, Self-paced, Online Homeschool Resources Review

Members of the Homeschool Review Crew were recently given a full Yearly Membership  to SchoolhouseTeachers.com for review. SchoolhouseTeachers.com is an internet-based homeschool resource and the curriculum arm of  The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. SchoolhouseTeachers.com has gone in four years from 7 initial online classes for homeschool families to over 300 courses, preschool through high school! Browse by … Read more

Beautiful Handwriting, Literature and Poetry Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Everyday Education, LLC. Teaching reading, writing, and literature doesn’t have to be complicated. Everyday Education, LLC offers tools to help you teach these subjects and more. Members of the Homeschool Review Crew got to review a few of their products aimed at making English and language arts a little … Read more

A Division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine