Carole P. Roman books and collections Reviews

This is sponsored content. Books are a huge part of our homeschooling adventure.  They take us to places we many never physically travel to, they teach us, and they help us develop our imagination.  They introduce us to real life heroes, imaginary pirates and princesses, and other characters we can relate to.  These things are … Read more

À La Carte Projects Reviews

This is sponsored content. History can be a difficult subject to teach your children. It’s really easy to get bogged down in the places and names and dates. But when you do that, no one has any fun – not your children, and not you. Amy Pak of Home School in the Woods knows that, … Read more

Drive Thru History Adventures – Subscription Reviews

This is sponsored content. Members of the Homeschool Review Crew have been busy previewing a one year subscription to Drive Thru History Adventures. This online subscription site gives the user access to a full history curriculum. It’s not just any history curriculum. It’s what our tour guide, Dave Stotts, calls Adventure Learning. Not only can … Read more

If You Were Me and Lived In Series Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Carole P Roman. We are so excited to share with you eight new children’s history books brought to us by Carole P. Roman. Families on the Homeschool Review Crew have been given the chance to read four of the eight new books to review and share their experiences different periods … Read more

Heritage History Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Heritage History. Heritage History has compiled an extensive collection of Historical Books and organized them into collections.  Each Collection has a theme of study, providing a student with a well rounded World History Curriculum beginning in the 4th grade and moving through the High School years. TOS Homeschool Crew … Read more

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