This article is in collaboration with CrossWired Science.
It’s a whole new way to do science! Imagine sharing the beauty and glory of God’s creation while instilling a love for learning science in your children. If you want lessons from a Christian worldview, this is an easy-to-use online format! It’s time to enjoy the all-new CrossWired Science that offers a unique approach to studying science by using a Global Topics. CrossWired Science offers a constantly growing library of lessons and experiments for all ages. The first two Global Topics: Sound, and Fluid Dynamics have been part of our crew review.

CrossWired Science got its name from the unique method of integrating multiple science fields and showing how they relate to each other. The program offers core videos followed by built-in testing and reports. The student receives immediate grading and feedback.
Sound and Fluid Dynamics are Global Topics. A Global Topic is different from a unit study. Global Topics are chosen because they integrate a vast amount of Science across the Sciences (such as Earth, Physics and Life Science.)
For example, elephant is not a Global Topic, however heat is, due to vast amounts of dynamic science which can be added into the specific Global Topic of heat thus covering Earth Science, Life Science and Physical Science.

Parents love CrossWired Science because of how it emphasizes the most God-glorifying and important aspects of science, includes hands-on experiments, activities, and collections and trains the eye to recognize God’s beauty in creation. It offers a multi-leveled system so the entire family can learn together. Students love CrossWired Science because it is self paced and adaptable.
CrossWired Science is the perfect solution for the entire family. It provides science and experiments for all ages. CrossWired Science has multiple levels for students from kindergarten through High School. It is designed to introduce young children to “deep God-honoring Science” at the earliest ages, and brings in powerful science that points to the Lord as students finish their high school years. CrossWired Science is geared to put the whole family on the “same science page”!
CrossWired Science may be used as a Stand-Alone curriculum or as a supplement to any Science Curriculum. It brings in the “God-element” powerfully in showing the Glory of God through what He has made. At present CrossWired can be used as a full curriculum for 3 months of Science for any Student. With two more additions coming up, it will be able to be used be used for an entire year of Science. With the other upcoming additions, it will be good for 6 years of Science.
A big thank you to Tere Scott of Puddle Jumping for writing this introductory article.
Read what members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought about CrossWired Science

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