Welcome to the fourth edition of the Homeschool Collection. We are all looking forward to a new season. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere warmer summer weather and for us in the Southern Hemisphere we are pulling out the comfort food recipes!
The Homeschool Review Crew have continued exploring new products over winter and have been sharing their thoughts via their blogs and vlogs. Be sure to take a look at the following reviews:
- Sound, and Fluid Dynamics {CrossWired Science Reviews}
- Stop Motion Animation Kit {Stopmotion Explosion Reviews}
- Transcripts Made Easy: The Homeschooler’s Guide to High-School Paperwork {Everyday Education Reviews}
- Study Guides – Christian Heroes Then & Now & Heroes of History {YWAM Publishing Reviews}
- Fix It! Grammar {Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) Reviews}
- Rhythm & Writing with the Get Write Crew {Rhythm & Writing Reviews}
Time to grab a cup of your favourite beverage and fill up on encouragement from our homeschool bloggers

Yvie @ Homeschool On the Range shares
- Six Basic Freezer Cooking Recipes for those Busy Day! – Dinner comes quickly when you’re homeschooling a brood! Prep ahead of time with these easy – and tasty! – freezer meals.
- Teaching Science with Nick & Tesla – Tackling middle school science the Charlotte Mason way!
- Packing Lists for Your Family Road Trip – Start your vacation or road-school adventure faster – and with less stress – with these easy, printable checklists!
- Using the Good & the Beautiful Curriculum with Upper Grades Students – How to adapt and use TGTB with your middle and high schoolers..with some extra goodies!

Dawn @ Schoolin’ Swag shares
- Exploring Hobbies on a Time and Money Budget – My children are interested in many different hobbies. These are ideas and suggestions for exploring a variety of hobbies while sticking to a budget for both time and money.
- 50+ Reasons to be Thankful for Homeschool – Homeschooling has many benefits but there are also hard days. This is a compilation of reasons to be thankful for homeschool to help you on those difficult days.

Abby @ Making Room 4 One More shares
- Summer Business Brainstorm for Teens Printable – Do you have entrepreneurial teens in your house who are always looking for ways to make money? Then this post is for you!
- Trello for High School Project Management – Do your high schoolers know how to take a big task and break it down into manageable pieces? Do they know how to use resources for this? Project management is a life skill that many adults are lacking. Put your homeschool high schoolers ahead of the crowd by giving them tools and skills they need. Here’s how to use Trello for high school project management.
- FREE Repetition Punch Cards – We know that repetition aids learning and sometimes you just need to keep track of tasks. Looking for a fun way to track skills practice or chore completion? Here’s a freebie for you >> repetition punch cards.
- 9 Benefits to Homeschooling High School – Many of you who are homeschooling young kids at the moment might look at high school with fear and trepidation. But now that two out of my five kids are in high school, I am even more confident of the benefits of homeschooling through graduation. Here are 9 benefits to homeschooling high school, and this list is only the tip of the iceberg.

Annette @ A Net in Time shares
- Holland Lops – Learning about the wonderful rabbit that is the Holland lop. A fancy breed with cute faces and an upright posture.
- Submarines of WW1 – During the course of our study of WW1 we have been learning about submarine warfare. It’s a part of this war that is often missed.
- Teaching Highschool with Outside Courses – As our children grow older, finding outside classes to manage the courses that we cannot becomes essential.
- Fitting in the Basics in the midst of busyness – Sometimes our lives get crazy busy, how do we manage to keep routine and basics going? It can be a challenge.

Lisa @ Maggie’s Milk shares
- The Bowl Game: Where Your Kids Create the Rules – Need a creativity building activity that uses things you already have around the house? Give the Bowl Game a try!
- 5 Simple ABC Games with Homemade Letter Cards – Here are five letter identification games that utilize a simple set of homemade cards. Yes

Kristen @ A Mom’s Quest to Teach shares
- Animals: Raccoons – The Masked Nocturnal Animal – Using a few simple materials create a raccoon craft while studying about this nocturnal mammal.
- Animals: Bats – the Myths and the Crafts -There are so many myths surrounding this flying mammal. Let’s discover them together and then make our own bat!
- O is for Ornithology – Take an inside look into the world of birds used for education at a metropolitan zoo.
- Z is for Zoo – There is more to working at a zoo than just being a zoo keeper. Before becoming a teacher and then a homeschooling mom, Kristen taught educational classes and programs for a zoo.

Destiny @ Some May Call It Destiny shares Five Play Based Learning Ideas for Preschoolers – Five ideas to incorporate learning into your preschoolers every day play.

Susan @ My Happy Homeschool shares How You Can Start a Low-Key Co-op – In this post, I share how our co-op started in 2007 and share how you can start one too!

Monique @ Early Learning Mom shares
- Homeschooling On A Budget: Why We Buy Books Used & A Book Haul – “New Children’s Books Are So Expensive! Purchasing children’s books can really break the bank if you are trying to create a large library for your children using only new books. One thing I learned quickly is that children’s books rarely retain their value.”
- Raising Bookworms: What We Read in March 2019 -“I can’t believe another month has past by us. Every month I feel like I have just written our Raising Bookworms post, when really it was several weeks earlier. This month Zakari and I read 15 chapter books. 4 books ahead of our 11 chapter book a month goal! I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t read as many books as we read in February. I mean March has 3 more days right?”
- Doman Parent in Hiding – “You might be a Doman parent… Do you ever find yourself hiding what your doing with your child from family or friends? Making sure all the word cards and flashcards of the digestive system are put away before company comes over. The pediatrician laughs at you when you tell him your two year old know his letters and sounds of the letters, and knows how to read hundreds of words.”
- Raising Bookworms: What We Read in February 2019 – “18 chapter books in 28 days. I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised with how many books Zakari and I devoured this month. Because February is a short month I did not have high expectations. What this month looked like: This month we veered away from many of our go to series and focused on the theme of Valentine’s Day. We tried many new series, and found a few keepers. We also tried a few series that we were not so crazy about. But that is OK! I’d rather try a series and dislike it, then not try and series and miss out on some amazing books. Plus none were that terrible enough for us to stop reading them.”