Blog Cruise ~ Beating the Summer Heat

I’m sure most of you have noticed, but IT’S HOT OUTSIDE! In the U.S., we are experiencing a record-breaking heat wave. Temps in the 100s across a good portion of the nation. Just walking outside in the middle of the day can leave you hot, sweaty, and grumpy. It your kids are anything like mine, … Read more

Blog Cruise: Summer Field Trips

For many of you, school is out for the summer. For others of you, school continues right on through the warmer weather. Either way, oftentimes, the sunnier days inspire more hands-on, outdoor, out of the classroom kind of learning. Summer abounds with opportunities for both fun in the sun and learning  outside the classroom! From … Read more

Go Science Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Go Science. The Crew was excited to have the opportunity to review Go Science. This is a Creation based Science DVD Series, authored by Mr. Ben Roy. Mr. Roy has taught elementary and middle school, also serving as principal. He has been awarded Teacher of the Year, and maintains … Read more

ALEKS Reviews

This article is in collaboration with ALEKS. What is ALEKS? Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. (doesn’t that sound so very official?) ALEKS uses adaptive questioning  to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn’t know in a course. (ALEKS asks a series … Read more

TOS – The Curiosity Files Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Why did God create bacteria like MRSA? How are crazy zombie fire ants part of God’s perfect plan? The good, the bad, the bizarre . . . it’s all in God’s wild and way-out-there creation! And it’s the stuff kids are extremely attracted to! Boost the level of excitement … Read more

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