It is that time of year, the time when we celebrate mom! Let me share with you some ways we like to celebrate mom in our house!

Special Plate
In our house, we have a special celebration plate. This plate is pulled out on special occasions and that is all. It comes out for birthdays, adoption days, and mother’s and father’s day. We have yet to get another one for our anniversary, so we tend to take turns on using this for that purpose. It is nice to pull out a special plate, a tradition, to help celebrate a day like this
Special Meal
Usually, when it comes to Mother’s day, I get to pick the meal, or the family will surprise me. This is the one day that I don’t have to do much of the planning, cooking, or cleaning of the supper meal. Since this is our one big meal each day, it is nice to have a break from all of the major parts of this meal.

Trip to the Nursery
My mom and I, along with my girls like to take a Mother’s day trip to the local nursery. It is fun to grab those plants that I am ready to plant. Anything from tomatoes, fairy garden items, or my new love, succulents. Getting these items gets me ready for the summer that is about to be here. I love knowing that getting these plants means that summer is near.
Time With My Family

Above all else, my favorite part of Mother’s day is spending time with my family. I am not one for the whole “commercial holidays”, but rather, I love just being with my kids, my husband, and hopefully my mother. Just listening to the laughter and enjoyment of everyone in one house at the same time is the most important part of this holiday for me.
What are some of the ways you celebrate Mother’s day at your house?

This article was written by Amanda Hopkins, Social Media Manager for the Homeschool Review Crew. You can find her blog at Hopkins Homeschool.

Mother’s Day
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