Ontario Homeschooling: An Interview with a Schoolhouse Ambassador

Ontario Homeschooling - An Interview with a Schoolhouse Ambassador

Over the past several weeks we have read about homeschooling in Jamaica, the Philippines, New Zealand, and several different provinces in Canada. Today let’s take a look at Ontario again as we interview Schoolhouse Ambassador Lena Emo who lives in this Canadian province. Q. Why did you decide to homeschool?A. I decided to homeschool when … Read more

Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop: Encouragement, Incentives, and Rewards You Can Use

Homeschooling is not always easy! That’s just the cold hard truth. While the great days far outweigh the not-so-great days, there are times when our patience is pushed to its breaking point and we barely claw our way through the day. And let’s not forget about the kids. Their days can be just as trying … Read more

Homeschooling in New Zealand

This week in our Homeschooling Around the World Series, we would like to travel far from British Columbia, Canada as we share a guest post from one of our Crew Members! Emma shares about her family’s life in New Zealand at Lots of Helpers where you can find reviews, her homeschooling journey, and more.   We … Read more

Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop: Making Memories to Start the New Year

Remember all the things you would get excited about when a new school year started? The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time for making memories that last a lifetime, but we homeschoolers have to be very intentional about creating traditions and memories. When I was a little girl, the start of … Read more

Homeschooling in British Columbia

We have shared in previous posts what makes homeschooling in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Alberta unique and enjoyable. While we do not have representatives from each of the ten provinces and three territories in Canada, we had the opportunity to interview a member of The Old Schoolhouse® social media team, Carolyn, to learn … Read more

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