Super Duper Publications

This article is in collaboration with Super Duper Publications. Super Duper Publications offered three different products for the Review Crew to use and review.  Jeepers Peepers, The Ask and Answer Game is a take-off on the old party game in which a player has a card taped to his forehead and has to figure out … Read more

Creation Illustrated Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Creation Illustrated. Our Purpose…is to share the wonders of God’s creation. By revealing fresh insights of His infinite wisdom, gentle touch, undeniable justice, redeeming love, and flawless design, pure truth shall bring renewed peace. Each part of this publication is offered as a reprieve from the daily rigor’s of … Read more

Discovery Scope

This article is in collaboration with The Discovery Scope. The Discovery Scope is an amazing science tool designed to help discover the intricacies of the natural world. In 2-5 minutes of instruction a whole new world will open up before your eyes. The Discovery Scope was designed by the late Jim Harvey, Sr. and his … Read more

Homeschool Library Builder Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Homeschool Library Builder. Libraries. Homeschoolers love Libraries. We envision our walls lined from floor to ceiling with good wholesome books for our children to read. We long for peaceful days, tucked under blankets, safely sitting on the sofa, traveling to places that only our imagination can go. Trouble is, … Read more

The Critical Thinking Co. Reviews

This article is in collaboration with The Critical Thinking Co. The Critical Thinking Co. offered four of their products to the TOS Homeschool Crew to review. Balance Math Teaches Algebra is a visual approach to teaching Algebra. This curriculum geared for children in the 4th – 12th grades, uses balance scales to intuitively and entertainingly … Read more

A Division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine