Jeepers Peepers, The Ask and Answer Game is a take-off on the old party game in which a player has a card taped to his forehead and has to figure out what it is based on the other players’ answers to his questions.
Jeepers Peepers kicks it up a notch, though, while teaching children in grades K and up to build questioning skills, describing skills, categorizing skills, and problem solving skills. The game comes with six pairs of Jeepers Peepers glasses, cue cards, 101 photo cards, spinner and bingo chips, and an instruction booklet.

Finally, Crew members were offered the HearBuilder Following Directions Software Program. According to the Super Duper Publications website, students using this program will learn to follow increasingly difficult directions, plus they will demonstrate knowledge of 40 basic concepts in five areas: basic directions, sequential directions, quantitative and spatial directions, temporal directions, and conditional directions. Students acquire these skills while learning to be master toymakers and building their own Toy Central factories. HearBuilder Following Directions Software Program is available in a home edition.

A big thank you to Laura Delgado of My (re)Viewpoint for writing this introductory post.
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