Ultra Safe Safety Scissors & Pencil Grip Training Kit Reviews

The Pencil Grip, Inc.
This article is in collaboration with The Pencil Grip.

The Pencil Grip, Inc. was started in 1992 by educational therapist Dr. Lois Provda and have provided the Homeschool Review Crew with two fabulous products to help students with their writing grip and using scissors safely and effectively.

The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors
The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors have been designed to maintain safety without sacrificing effective cutting. These new scissors are Ultra-Safe with a simple yet functional shield designed to prevent accidental miscuts along with a blunted tip to prevent injury. The innovative design allows the scissors to maintain sharp blades thereby remaining useful and prevent frustration on use.

The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit
The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit has been designed to assist the students to progress towards comfort and control.  Students begin with the Crossover Grip in the training phase, the wings are there to prevent fingers from crossing over.  From here the student transitions with The Pinch Grip bringing balance and finally progress over to The Pencil Grip which has been designed to provide comfort and control over extended use.

Visit The Pencil Grip, Inc. on Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepencilgrip/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thepencilgrip
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/KwikStixPaint/boards/


Thank you to Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses for this article.

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