Blog Cruise: To Test or Not to Test

As a homeschool parent, you obviously have the inside scoop on how well your child is advancing through your curriculum. You can see in which areas he is strong and in which areas he needs some extra time or help. However, some parents still find it reassuring to administer some kind of standardized testing in … Read more

TOS Crew Bloggy Convention~ Day 1

It’s March, which for many homeschool moms and dads signifies the beginning of the Homeschool Convention season. We thought it would be fun to share with you an online blog conference of sorts, here on the TOS Homeschool Crew blog. Each day this week, we will be highlighting some of our past reviews . . … Read more

Blog Cruise~ Kids Answer: What do you like best about homeschooling?

We’re shaking things up a bit with this week’s Blog Cruise. Instead of getting the thoughts, opinions and ideas of TOS Crew members, we’re chatting it up with their kids! Homeschooled kids have opinions, too, and we want to hear them. I appreciate them being willing to share! So this week we are asking TOS … Read more

Blog Cruise: Favorite Free or Cheap Resources

I don’t know about you, but I love great homeschooling resources that don’t cost  a lot of money! From free printables and unit studies, to discounted memberships, I am always scouring the internet for ways to save on my homeschool budget. For this week’s Blog Cruise, we asked the TOS Crew members this question: What … Read more

Blog Cruise: Measuring Success

Webster defines success as a favorable or desired outcome. As homeschoolers, we look for signs of success every day. Is Billy getting his multiplication tables down? Has Susie learned all of her spelling words? Is little Johnny’s handwriting legible? We spend lots of money on THE curriculum that will ensure success. We write lesson plans, … Read more

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