Dear Homeschool Mom, You are not alone.

Dear Homeschool Mom.  We want you to know that you are not alone.  We all make mistakes.  Remember a mistake is evidence that someone is trying.  So dust yourself off.  Grab a cuppa and come join us for some homeschool Mom encouragement as we share some of the gems we’ve discovered to help us navigate … Read more

Homeschooling with Littles Underfoot

We have four kiddos so far, but only one has reached the age of compulsory attendance. That means we have three others who don’t have to do school but do need to stay occupied so I can work on things with my oldest. There are so many homeschoolers with larger than average family sizes, so … Read more

How to Succeed at Homeschooling When Making a Move

When a family needs to make a move it really turns life upside down. Change and transition is always challenging and if you are a homeschooling family, it can be a chaotic time. Moving AND homeschooling? How in the world can we accomplish all that needs to be done? Is it possible to pack, plan … Read more

Let’s Talk About Why We Homeschool: Homeschool Link UP

Why do you Homeschool?  is a question as old as education.  The answers are as varied as there are home educators.  Today the Homeschool Review Crew would like to share their stories on why they have chosen the path of home education for their families.  We invite you to grab a cup of your favourite … Read more

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