Creating Christmas Traditions

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year to create some memorable traditions for your family. Dr. Dobson says: ‘The great value of traditions comes as they give a family a sense of identity, ‘belongingness’. All of us desperately need to feel that we’re not just a cluster of people living together in a house, but we’re … Read more

Sharing Christmas {Blog Cruise}

The internet abounds with lovely ideas for making Christmas happier, brighter, and more meaningful. The Crew blogs are no exception! From fun crafts and homemade gifts, to recipes and decorating tips, to inspiring ideas for your homeschool, our wonderful bloggers are writing articles that will at once encourage, inspire, and spur on your own creativity! … Read more

Keeping CHRIST in CHRISTmas

  I can still remember a day when my oldest daughter was around four-years-old and we asked her what Christmas was all about.  We expected her to say “Jesus”, and instead she said “Presents!”  Up until that moment, we thought we had been doing a pretty good job of keeping the focus on Christ.  That … Read more

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