Dollar Homeschool / Ray's Arithmetic

Have you ever read a book or heard stories about what students learned in the pioneer days of this country?  The breadth of knowledge they covered was astounding and the depth of the students’ understanding was simply amazing.  Thinking about it always leaves me wanting to capture those days and bring them into the learning … Read more

Bonnie Terry Learning

Last year,  while working with the Crew, I was introduced to Bonnie Terry Learning – a company that specializes in helping parents and teachers help those students who are struggling in various areas.  I’m excited to announce that Bonnie Terry Learning is once again sharing products with the Crew for review. One of the new … Read more


Technology is an amazing thing.  The world of electronics and media is changing and evolving so quickly that it’s hard to keep up.  I think that, sometimes, homeschoolers tend to shy away from technology – maybe because they are scared of it, or because they don’t want to get caught up in all the ways … Read more


This article is in collaboration with ALEKS, a web-based math program. If you have never heard of ALEKS, I’d encourage you to check out their website. There is something there for everyone – from teachers/parents to students (of all ages).  ALEKS has programming available for all ages, from kindergarten, right on up to the highest … Read more

Lampstand Press/Tapestry of Grace

I have a very good friend who uses Tapesty of Grace and loves it, but I have to admit that just the thought of it has left me with my head spinning.  I know the Crew was thrilled to hear that Tapestry of Grace was on our line-up of review products for this year.  I, … Read more

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