Technology is an amazing thing. The world of electronics and media is changing and evolving so quickly that it’s hard to keep up. I think that, sometimes, homeschoolers tend to shy away from technology – maybe because they are scared of it, or because they don’t want to get caught up in all the ways of the world. But, I think that the philosophy of “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” definitely applies when it comes to Educaching.

Jason Hubbard, 5th grade math teacher and the creator of Educaching seems to agree with me. His idea is to use the things that are available to us these days as teaching tools. And, I think it’s a great idea! We all know how quickly kids pick up on things (much quicker than adults, most of the time!) So, why not use these technological advances to promote learning.
The concept of Educaching is much like Geocaching. which I’ve heard lots of homeschoolers talking about. Use a hand-held GPS system to promote learning. The Educaching manual teaches exactly how to do this in a step-by-step manner, including notes for teachers and lesson plans and blackline masters that can be copied for classroom or personal use. Though the target audience is a school setting, these activities can easily be incorporated for homeschool families and/or co-ops.

If you’d like to find out more about Educaching, check out their website. While there, be sure to download the free samples and try it out for yourself. Now, I’m off to go hide some educational treasure and set my coordinates.
Geocaching is fun and these new ideas to incorporate it into teaching spice up the school day a bit.
I love ways of integrating current technology into my homeschool.
Debra at
My daughters loved doing this. They thought it was great fun.
Educaching is a great addition to any homeschool.
Think this one would be great if you do a lot of co-op or class type settings.
My family thought this was a really fun way to learn!
Thanks for sharing. Then I will come back.