This article is in collaboration with Everyday Education.
Janice Campbell from Everyday Education has put together a very thorough Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers. Not only does your student learn how to write, but you as a teacher are taught how to grade their work. Such a helpful book to own.
The Handbook for Writers is based upon the work by Ian Johnston who put together literature to help students become better writers. Ms. Campbell took that material, combined it, and turned it into a singularly helpful edition. If you have ANY questions in learning the mechanics of how to write, you’ll find the answers here.
This handbook comes with two sections. The First contains detailed instructions and samples of written work for putting together arguments and writing essays.

Part One: Introduction to Essays and Arguments
In this section you’ll be introduced to Arguments divided into the following areas: Some Simple First Principles, Setting Up The Argument: Definition, Defining Key Terms, Deduction & Induction, Organizing The Main Body Of An Argument, Paragraph Structure, Paragraph Functions, Writing Arguments About Literary Works, Sample Outlines For Essays And Research Papers, Critical Approaches to Shakespeare, and Some Criteria for Making Literary Evaluations.
Part Two: Introduction to Usage and Style
This section covers all the mechanics of writing. A sampling of the mechanics are Phrases, Clauses, Sentences; Words; Punctuation; Parallelism; Clarity, Logic, and Structure; and References And Bibliographies. Students are also taught the Basic Format for Essays and Research Papers.
You will find this a very thorough work covering more than 400 pages. It is available as a paperback or as PDF ebook. It goes well with the other offerings from Everyday Education and will serve your students well as they move into higher education as well. Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers is everything you need to make your high school English classes more complete!
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Thank you to Annette @ A Net in Time for writing this introductory article. Homeschooling mom of a single lad, raiser of rabbits and fancy mice, blogger, influencer, poet, and a person of faith. You can find her on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and MeWe. She blogs about homeschooling, faith, and book reviews.

Click below to read the reviews from the members of the Homeschool Review Crew that had the opportunity to use the above product in their homes over the past few weeks.
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