Making History Come Alive with Knowledge Quest Review

History is filled with interesting events and fascinating people, and Knowledge Quest offers unique ways to help students learn about and connect with history. Sacagawea is a historical novel with a twist. It is an interactive ebook for kids ages 10 and up, with embedded links that readers can click in order to gain a … Read more

Church, World, and American History from the 18th Century Review

Salem Ridge Press is a homeschooling family-owned company committed to re-printing quality literature from the 1800s and early 1900s so that it may be enjoyed and appreciated by today’s generation.  They specialize in historical fiction covering Church History, World History, and American History.  Through engaging stories and brave characters, these books bring history to life … Read more

Grace & Truth Books Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Grace & Truth Books. Grace and Truth Books is a Christian bookstore built on the idea that “fancy packaging” is not what’s important, what matters is “what will glorify God, strengthen His people in their walk, and call all peoples to find joy in knowing His gospel and following … Read more

Apologia: Journeys of Faithfulness Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Apologia Educational Ministries. The latest Apologia product that the Crew has had the privilege to review is the book Journeys of Faithfulness by Sarah Clarkson.  Through a series of stories about biblical women such as Mary, Ruth, and Esther, the author challenges young women to explore and deepen their relationship … Read more

Beloved Books

This article is in collaboration with Beloved Books. Picture an old-time family gathered together around the radio, maybe playing quiet games and listening to their favorite programs. Now picture YOUR kids doing the same, only this time they are gathered around the family CD player and enjoying listening to stories read aloud. That is exactly … Read more

A Division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine