Blog Cruise–Family Participation

Is your spouse involved in your homeschooling?  Maybe they help by teaching a subject or two?  Maybe they are your biggest supporter?  What about grandparents?  This week, Crew members are discussing how their spouse and extended family are involved in their homeschool days.  Be sure to visit each of their blogs and kindly leave a comment or two.  We hope you enjoy this week’s Cruise!

Jennifer @ a glimpse of our life discusses Family Involvement.

Tess @ Circling Through This Life details Home Schooling:  A Family Affair.

LaRee @ Broad Horizons says Meet Our Faculty..

Julie @ A Teaching Heart shares How our family helps me homeschool.

Rodna @ Training Children up for Christ discusses How my family is involved in our homeschool…or not…

Betty @ Peace Creek on the Prairie has advice for Getting the Family Involved in Your Homeschool.

Laurie @ Laurie’s Day School says It Takes A Family.

Kellyann @ Walking Home…is Following His Command Together.

Debra @ Footprints in the Butter asks Is it all just Mom?

Christine @ Our Homeschool Reviews asks Help with Homeschooling.

We hope you enjoy this week’s cruise.  I want to give a BIG thank you to our Crewmates who participated this week!

Be sure to join us next week when we ask our TOS Crewmates, What do your children want to be when they grow up and what are you doing to help them pursue their field of interest?

This article was compiled and written by Jodi who blogs at The Homeschool Desk.

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