This article is in collaboration with ArtAchieve.
I love homeschooling, but art is the one subject that I’ve felt like my girls are missing out on because they don’t go to a school with a real art teacher. Members of the Homeschool Review Crew have had the opportunity to try art lessons for kids by ArtAchieve that offer a solution to this problem.
ArtAchieve offers five levels of art classes for beginning to advanced artists. Each of the lessons have PowerPoint and video versions to choose from, so you don’t have to have a background in art to be able to teach rich, inspiring art lessons. The videos clearly present the entire lesson to the extent that I can hand my ten year old the supplies, log her in to the lesson, and then walk away.

The lesson pages inform you of what supplies are required and approximately how much time the lesson requires to complete – broken down into time to draw and time to color, in case you want to spread the project out over multiple days. The lessons are all inspired from art around the world and each one also includes suggestions for cross-curricular connections in subjects such as geography, social studies, history, literature, music, writing, architecture, science and more.

Lessons are available to purchase individually, in bundles of a few lessons together, as an entire level, or even the entire curriculum. In each case, you are purchasing a one-year license for the lessons. There are a few free lessons you can check out to get a taste for what they’re like.
Be sure to read what members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought about ArtAchieve, and check out all the lovely artwork that’s been created using this program.
Connect with ArtAchieve through their social media sites:
Thank you to Heather K @ Running With Spears for writing this introduction article.
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