Remembering Why We Homeschool

Remembering Why We Homeschool Homeschooling Finds brought to you by The Old Schoolhouse® logo and photograph of young girl working on school work with her parent

At some point while homeschooling someone may have asked you: “Why do you homeschool?” Most families probably have a variety of reasons why they have chosen to homeschool. They could range from problems with the local public or private school to always knowing that homeschooling was their calling for their family. Many parents probably have … Read more

Examining the Socialization Myth

Examining the Socialization Myth Homeschooling Finds brought to you by The Old Schoolhouse® with photograph of four young children outdoors

There are several questions that non-homeschoolers often ask homeschooling families, including, “What do you do about socialization?” They might not always use the word socialization, but non-homeschoolers are eager to learn how we, as homeschoolers, ensure that our children will be able to function in society. Opinions about homeschooling are formed based on popular culture … Read more

Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop: Encouragement, Incentives, and Rewards You Can Use

Homeschooling is not always easy! That’s just the cold hard truth. While the great days far outweigh the not-so-great days, there are times when our patience is pushed to its breaking point and we barely claw our way through the day. And let’s not forget about the kids. Their days can be just as trying … Read more

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