Remembering Why We Homeschool

At some point while homeschooling someone may have asked you: “Why do you homeschool?” Most families probably have a variety of reasons why they have chosen to homeschool. They could range from problems with the local public or private school to always knowing that homeschooling was their calling for their family. Many parents probably have similar reasons why they homeschool. They want to give their children the best possible education that reflects their own worldview. 

Taking the time to write down why we homeschool can help encourage us on those days when the homeschool lessons grow difficult. Perhaps we reflect upon our homeschool’s mission statement or objectives. Are we still meeting those? Do we need to change anything or adjust something in our homeschool? What words of encouragement would help us remember why we homeschool?

Beyond Academics 

Many people look at homeschooling only in light of providing their children with a book education. But homeschooling brings families so much more. We are able to introduce more into our children’s days when we remember why we homeschool. From teaching our children valuable life skills like cooking or car maintenance to involving them on the homestead or in the family business, we are providing for our children beyond academics. Our children are also able to help our families complete tasks and provide support. 

Preparing Our Children for the Future 

Homeschooling also helps us prepare our children for the future. There are so many paths open to our children when we homeschool. They can prepare for a specific career path, college, or university. If they are not interested in higher education, they can prepare to enter the workforce following graduation. And sometimes the reason why we homeschool is to show them other options—starting a family, becoming an entrepreneur, or serving in the church or as missionaries. Homeschooling opens so many doors. 

Remembering Why We Homeschool Homeschooling Finds brought to you by The Old Schoolhouse® logo with dad and young girl on his shoulders in a greenhouse

Raising them in the Word

Do you homeschool so you can raise your children in a specific worldview? Are you homeschooling so you can raise them in the Word? Sometimes these are the easiest things to bring up as we remember why we homeschool. People want to know why we homeschool.  For many, the first response is because we want our children to have a Biblical worldview. 
If you need resources to help you teach a Biblical worldview, you can find a variety of courses at For middle school and high school, you can use Creation Apologetics in your homeschool. The video lessons in Creation Apologetics will answer many questions about Biblical creation and enable your children to defend it using truths from biology, geology, physics, history, and more. For older high schoolers, you can assign Advanced Apologetics from This course gives the tools to defend their faith when away at college or facing opposition in the world today.

Creation Apologetics course cover on book, tablet, and laptop from


As we remember why we homeschool, let’s also be thankful that we can homeschool. Men and women worked hard to ensure our right to homeschool in the United States. Gathering with other homeschoolers can also help us remember why we homeschool. Do you belong to a homeschool group or co-op? Or are you looking for one? Visit for more information about support groups or Schoolhouse Ambassadors in your area. 

So, why do you homeschool? Do you homeschool to teach academics and life skills? Are you preparing your children for the future? Perhaps there are many reasons why you homeschool. We would love for you to share them with us. Author

This article has been written by Kristen Heider. She is the Business Building Team Manager of The Old Schoolhouse® and the Social Media Manager of She shares more about her family’s homeschooling journey at A Mom’s Quest Teach.

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