This article is in collaboration with Scripture Memory Fellowship and their tool, 14:6 The Way, a help to memorizing scripture.
Scripture Memory Fellowship was founded in 1977, using the same materials developed for Bible Memory Association, based in Texas, operating for North America and with partners in Spain, Indonesia, and moving beyond. They offer over fifty memory courses, apps, and Scripture song CDs to encourage memorizers of every age. They even host Scriptoriums and Memory Camps.
The Homeschool Review Crew received Volume One, 14:6 The Way. The 14:6 series develops a Biblical worldview one verse at a time. The title embraces the words of Jesus in John 14:6: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”

With a layout similar to systematic theology outlines and confession or catechism, this program focuses on the verses that are foundational to the life and faith of a Christian and helps them to memorize scripture.
Memorizing Scripture with Scripture Memory Fellowship
The eighty-four verses covered in 14:6 – The Way focuses on salvation. Volume two and three are coming soon. The second volume, 14:6 – The Truth, focuses on life’s biggest questions, while the third volume, 14:6 – The Way, has eighty-four verses concentrating on following Jesus.
14:6 – The Way is a flip book with seven units. The flip book begins with a “How to Use this Book.” Scripture Memory Fellowship divided each unit into four lessons. The unit and lesson titles appear at the top of each page for that week in a question-and-answer format. Each unit covers a specific question, while each lesson answers the question. For example, Unit 3 asks, “What did God do?” Week nine answers the question with, “God planned our Redemption.” Week ten answers the question with, “God Gave His Word.”
- Unit 1 – Who is God?
- Unit 2 – What went wrong?
- Unit 3 – What did God do?
- Unit 4 – What did Jesus do?
- Unit 5 – What is salvation?
- Unit 6 – How do we respond?
- Unit 7 – What happens next?
Also, a lesson icon is at the top, with the unit and lesson titles. The icon is a simple graphic illustrating the doctrine for those memory verses. For example, for “Week 25 Unit 7 What happens next? Jesus will return,” there is a small, simple graphic of two clouds. In addition, each weekly lesson includes a thesis statement that summarizes the doctrine in the memory verses.

Sharing the Gospel
14:6 – The Way‘s goal is to enable people of all ages to memorize up to eighty-four verses in twenty-eight weeks. These verses allow Christians to understand and share “the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark 1:1). The memory verses are the heart of the lesson. The course color-coded the verses so memorizers can choose their pace.
One verse weekly= Green
Two verses weekly=Green +Orange
Three verses weekly= Green+Orange+Brown

Students recite learned verses to a friend or family member. 14:6 The Way encourages aiming for a gold recitation each week. To receive a gold recitation, students recite the verse or verses with zero helps. If a student requires one help when memorizing scripture, they receive a silver recitation, while needing two helps earns a bronze recitation.
More About Scripture Memory Fellowship
Scripture Memory Fellowship does more than provide Bible memory tools. The word “fellowship” is part of their name because they provide support through a community of memorizers from all over the world. They also have a Facebook group for those using their program to connect with other enthusiastic memorizers about the Word of God.
Scripture Memory Fellowship provides a variety of tools and methods to help anyone of any age memorize the Word of God. These tools include their free VerseLocker app, the free SMF app, and the Scripture Memory Podcast.
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