Give your family the gift of homeschooling by bringing your children home where they belong for Christmas and into the New Year. It’s never too late to consider homeschooling, and the end of the year is the perfect time to bring your children home for the holidays and their studies.
Home Where They Belong
As a parent you are perfectly equipped to homeschool your children. Remember it is your job to “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). God has provided you with the skills you need to teach your children. And as parents we owe it to our children to guard their minds and their hearts from the world.
If you are seeking encouragement, advice, or tips, we have many resources to help you bring your children home where they belong. On, you can find information about Schoolhouses, sign up for a free Info-Pak (which includes a course from and The Homeschool Primer), links to state organizations and Schoolhouse Ambassadors who can help support you on your journey, and more!
Home for Christmas: Holiday Homeschooling
While your children are home for the Christmas holidays, you can gently ease into homeschooling. There are many holiday homeschool resources available for free, including Finding Christ in Christmas Dailies right here! If you are a member of, you can visit Christmas Corner for videos, worksheets, painting lessons, and more. Or you can simply incorporate your children in all your holiday preparations. Learning occurs when we work together to clean and organize the house, measure out recipes, wrap presents, and sing Christmas carols.
There are other ways to bring homeschooling into life during Christmas break. You can create a Christmas Bucket list. Write down everything you want to do during the holiday break. Or perhaps you can take the time to learn about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. For example, research what your ancestors did in their native countries. We do this as we prepare for Christmas Eve dinner when we prepare traditional Slovak foods for our meal.

Starting the New Year as a Homeschooling Family
If you are new to homeschooling, relax into the lessons in 2024. After the holidays are over, spend time deschooling with your children. Deschooling is often referred to as the time you ease into new traditions after you remove your children from public or private school.
Your children will be home where they belong. Take the time to learn about their learning styles and your preferred teaching methods. Do they need hands-on learning or do they prefer online learning? How do you like to organize your homeschool supplies? Don’t worry. Learning will still be taking place, but it doesn’t have to happen from 8 am–3 pm, Monday–Friday.
Do you need a curriculum for your new homeschooling journey? Choosing a membership means paying ONE price for the ENTIRE family for a whole year of curriculum choices that cover kindergarten to grade 12. What’s more, you can choose from digital options like text-based, video-based, or interactive content that suits your child’s specific learning style, ensuring that each child has a better opportunity to achieve their academic goals while pursuing their individual interests—but is so much more! Members enjoy benefits for the entire family with perks like the Teacher/Student ID cards, homeschool resources, discounts and freebies, plus activities and events year-round, and of course the support of the community of homeschoolers (live chat with reps). You don’t have to homeschool alone when you are part of the family. Take advantage of the BOGO Fresh Start sale happening now (ends January 12), which gives your family TWO full years of—no limits (365 days x 2!)—for the price of just one year.

More to Read and Remember to Please Share
Still on the fence about homeschooling, here are some more resources for you!
- Download the new and enhanced TOS App at
- Why is Homeschooling Vital for Christian Families in This Generation?
- The Homeschool Minute 2022: Home Is a Wonderful Place: The “Why” of Homeschooling
- The Homeschool Minute 2021: Home Where They Belong for Christmas
- Are you traveling for the holidays? Read Celebrating Christmas While Homeschoolers Travel to see how you can still homeschool even if you aren’t home for Christmas.
What are your favorite holiday activities to do with your children? Author
This article has been written by Kristen Heider. She is the Business Building Team Manager of The Old Schoolhouse® and the Social Media Manager of She shares more about her family’s homeschooling journey at A Mom’s Quest Teach.