This article is in collaboration with God’s Mail.
For the last several weeks, members of the Home School Review Crew have been reading God’s Mail: Volume 3. Written by Ronald Hardin, this collection of poems addresses the challenges of both believers and non-believers. Ron began his own ministry when he was 28 when he began writing poems for the Lord. These poems are intended to encourage, instruct and comfort God’s ministers and people.
Coming from a background that includes being born again at the age of 12 followed by gang membership, dropping out of high school, drug use, and even time in jail, Ronald Hardin has a tremendous amount of life experiences to look back upon and to utilize.
Prophetic Call, his ministry has grown tremendously through the years. He has written over thousands of words to instruct, correct, and exhort ministers, churches, as well as men in both government and business, as well as countless others.
Ron Hardin has written over 500 poems that share insight into what the Spirit of God is saying currently to His people. Currently, there are three volumes of God’s Mail available. God’s Mail: Volume 3 tackles such timely topics such as recovering from abortion to suicide, and just everyday life in general. This book will provide encouragement, strength and more. The book combines both Scriptural passages and poems to weave together a powerful message of God’s grace, love, and mercy.]
The books are available in both print form as well as for the Kindle. Members of the crew are reviewing both formats of the book. God’s Mail: Volume 3 provides a wealth of poems to support and encourage both believers and non-believers alike.
Thank you to Patti Pierce of Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy for writing this introductory article.
Take a look at what 25 of our reviewers thought about God’s Mail Volume 3