Code For Teens: The Awesome Beginner’s Guide to Programming Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Code for Teens.

Did you know that software engineering is one of the fastest growing industries in the world? Maybe you have a future coder in your home? Or maybe you just want to expose your teen to another marketable and fun skill.  Whatever the reason, most of us just don’t have the knowledge to include this in our day-to-day studies. Enter Code for Teens!

Members of the Homeschool Review Crew had the opportunity to review Code for Teens: The Awesome Beginner’s Guide for Programming.  Written by a homeschooling dad, Jeremy Mortiz, this beautifully created book introduces teens to coding and teaches JavaScript without the involvement of parents or teachers. The concepts are taught gradually and there are plenty of opportunities for review before the lessons move forward. It basically encourages these kids to develop a “learnitude”….which is never, ever a bad thing!

Chapters include the following:
Chapter 1: Hello World! Writing the first lines of code
Chapter 2: Time to Operate: Coding with numbers and math operations
Chapter 3: Comment on the String Section: 
Chapter 4: Have Some Functions: Declaring and invoking functions
Chapter 5: Shall I Compare?  Using Booleans, and more
Chapter 6: Logically Operational: Working with small, undefined, and logical operators
Chapter 7: Projects Galore: Using your skills for small projects
Chapter 8; Hip Hip Array!: Introduces arrays
Chapter 9: Loop a Round
Chapter 10: Make a Hangman Game

The book also contains a message for parents, an answer key and a glossary of terms. To work through this book the student must have a computer or tablet and use Google Chrome.

Interested parties can check out the introduction and entire first chapter on the Code for Teens site. Check out all the reviews below!

You can connect with Code for Teens on Facebook.
A big thanks to Rebekah from There Will Be a $5 Charge for Whining for writing this introductory article.

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