WriteShop Primary (Book A)

There is a new book available from WriteShop – WriteShop Primary, Book A. Book A is the first in what will be a series of 3 WriteShop Primary books (books B & C are coming soon!)  This series is written by Nancy I. Sanders, and is appropriate for children in grades K-3. WriteShop Primary teaches … Read more

Barchowsky Fluent Handwriting

Because I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to anything to do with schoolwork or paperwork, handwriting is something that is very important to me.  Neither of my girls have what I would consider to be nice handwriting, so I was anxious to receive some products from Barchowsky Fluent Handwriting, and set to … Read more

Bonnie Terry Learning

Before working with the Homeschool Crew, I had never heard of Bonnie Terry Learning.  I’ll assume that you have not as well, and try to give a brief description … Bonnie Terry is a Board Certified Education Therapist who started Bonnie Terry Learning in 1992 as a way to help share her learning support materials … Read more

Five in a Row

About a year ago, I had opportunity (as a reviewer for TOS) to review a product that, up until that time, I had only heard about.  I was just  thrilled to receive  volumes 1-3 of Five in a Row and I was very much impressed.  I am going to use an excerpt from that review, … Read more

Rocket Phonics

This article is in collaboration with Rocket Phonics. Several members of the Homeschool Crew have been recently introduced to a reading program called Rocket Phonics. If you’ve never heard of Rocket Phonics, it may be helpful to hear the founders’ answer to the question “Why did you create Rocket Phonics?”  Here is what they have … Read more

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