Snowflakes: Blog/Social Media Challenge 2021

Did you know that a snowflake is a SINGLE ice crystal? Once it achieves a sufficient size and may have amalgamated with others will then fall through the earth’s atmosphere as snow. Unique One of my favourite attributes of the snowflake is it’s ABSOLUTE UNIQUENESS. No two are alike ever. It is known as the … Read more

Reading Goals for the New Year: Blog/Social Media Challenge 2021

Welcome to the first week of our blogging/social media challenge for 2021. We are looking forward to a great year together. How did your reading plans fair for the 2020 year? Did you write down a list of books you wished to read? Did you check them all off as completed? In 2018, I was … Read more

Turning the Page … Week 4 December Challenge

Welcome to the final Social Media Challenge for 2020. Despite the many challenges that 2020 put in our way many met these challenges head on. There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens Ecclesiastes 3:1 It’s time to reflect on the year gone by and prepare our hearts … Read more

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