TruthQuest History

TruthQuest History is a homeschool curriculum product that I have heard about many times but never had a chance to see until serving on the Crew this year.  I was excited to see this one, as I’m a huge history lover. I have really enjoyed teaching history since we’ve started homeschooling – history has just … Read more

Lampstand Press/Tapestry of Grace

I have a very good friend who uses Tapesty of Grace and loves it, but I have to admit that just the thought of it has left me with my head spinning.  I know the Crew was thrilled to hear that Tapestry of Grace was on our line-up of review products for this year.  I, … Read more


Sonlight is a homeschool curriculum company that I’ve been hearing about for many, many years, but have never actually seen or used.  Several of our Crew members have the opportunity of reviewing Sonlight this year.  You can expect to see reviews from them for all of the following: The Newcomer™ K program includes: Sonlight’s Core … Read more

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