Koru Naturals Review

This article is in collaboration with Koru Naturals. Members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew often refer to camping out by the mailbox or stalking the UPS truck as way of expressing excitement about an upcoming item for evaluation.    Those delivery drivers may have been feeling some pressure as we recently awaited some pampering products from … Read more

IndoctriNation DVD Review

This article is in collaboration with Great Commission Films. “Are the public schools an educational “neutral zone,” or a humanistic program designed to undermine the influence of the Church and the family? Is there any truth to the “salt and light” argument that encourages Christians to send their kids to public school? “ -from the … Read more

G. A. Henty Audio Books Review

  This article is in collaboration with Jim Hodges Productions. Many homeschool families have enjoyed the classic G. A.  Henty educational classics.  Jim Hodges Productions provides unabridged recordings as Audio Books for our generation. Recently members of The Schoolhouse Review Crew were privileged to receive MP3 CDs of some of these G. A. Henty classics. Most also … Read more

A Division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine