Shepherd, Potter, Spy–and the Star Namer Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Peggy Consolver. What if you could travel back in time to live with the people of Canaan as the Israelites crossed the Jordan for the first time? Members of the Homeschool Review Crew have done just that through the Historical Fiction novel Shepherd, Potter, Spy–and the Star Namer by … Read more

First Form Greek, Iliad/Odyssey and American History Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Memoria Press. History! Languages! Classic literature! All of these topics are a staple of homeschool education, and the people at Memoria Press offer programs to help you teach each subject. The members of the crew review team got to check out several programs for this review, for a variety … Read more

Manhood Journey Father’s Starter Kit Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Manhood Journey & City on a Hill Studio. One of the daunting challenges parents face in today’s works is how to handle the transition of their sons from boyhood to manhood while excluding outside influences from today’s society while upholding the Biblical principals we want our sons to follow. … Read more

Bessie’s Pillow Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Strong The United States of America is a country full of immigrants. So many people around the world are interested in where their ancestors came from. No matter if we do or do not know where we came from, it fills us with compassion to read people’s histories. … Read more

Andi Series Reviews

  This article is in collaboration with Kregel Publications. The Homeschool Review Crew have been reading Andi Saddles Up and Andi Under the Big Top from the new Circle C Stepping Stones written by Susan K. Marlow and published by Kregel Publications. Two new stories – Andi Saddles Up and Andi Under the Big Top are the … Read more

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