Summer camps,
and Summer Homeschooling?
This week, the Crew is tackling the question Do you homeschool during the summer? Why or why not? What is your summer homeschooling like?
~Nikki @ Joy in the Journey shares her plans for Summer Learning.
~Debbie @ Debbie’s Homeschool Corner talks about Summer Homeschooling.
~Heidi @ Reviews & Reflections asks School and summer: do they mix?
~Debra @ Footprints in the Butter writes Too hot to play, or why we homeschool through the summer.
~Lori @ Loving Learning at Home says Summer School – It’s Not a Bad Thing.
~Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads shares her Top 10 Reasons We Homeschool Year Around.
~Lisa @ The Berry Patch shares Summer School – Homeschool Style.
Come back next week when we answer the question, “What do you do if you child doesn’t like to read?”
This introductory article was written by Kristen @ A Day in the Life.
I just discovered your page. I do homeschool in summer, but not full homeschooling. We just do work once or twice a week to keep things fresh. I read about your question next week, and I'd have to say that I learned a good lesson on a child that doesn't want to read with my second child. He's graduating from college on May 1st…with a degree in English now. Needless to say, he loves to read