Blog Cruise – Homeschoolers Volunteer

What kind of volunteer opportunities does your family enjoy or participate in?  There are many places and activities for gifts of service.  This week, TOS Crewmates are sharing their volunteering experiences right here in the Blog Cruise.  Please click through the links to read how TOS Crewmates answer this week’s question. I encourage you to visit their blogs and kindly leave a comment or two! We hope you enjoy this week’s Cruise!

Christine @ Our Homeschool Reviews details Volunteering.

Debra @ Footprints in the Butter discusses What Community Service Looks Like in Our Home.

Tess @ Circling Through This Life shares Giving back to the community.

Debbie @ Debbie’s Digest discusses  Community Service – Do you and your kids volunteer??

Be sure to stop back next week when TOS Crew Members will answer the question, “How do you handle high school requirements?

This article was written and compiled by Jodi who blogs at The Homeschool Desk.

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