Blog Cruise – Extracurricular Activities

Homeschooling isn’t just about books and learning, it’s about enrichment too.  This week, TOS Crew members are sharing the extracurricular activities their kids enjoy.  Please click through the links to read how TOS Crewmates answer this week’s question. I encourage you to visit their blogs and kindly leave a comment or two! We hope you enjoy this week’s Cruise!

Debra @ Footprints in the Butter is Talking about the extras.

April @ Heartfelt Homeschooling writes Extracurriculars and Balance.

Lori @ Loving Learning at Home shares Oh So many Extracurricular Activities.

Christine @ Our Homeschool Reviews details Extracurricular Activities.

Be sure to stop back next week when TOS Crew Members kids will answer some questions about homeschooling!

This article was written and compiled by Jodi who blogs at The Homeschool Desk.

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