Several members of the Homeschool Crew received the foreign language curriculum from Tell Me More. This curriculum is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German (which I received), Italian, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic. Reviewers were given the choice of language. The Tell Me More website boasts that it is “the global leader in language learning software. Whether you are learning a language for personal improvement, before a trip, or to increase job opportunities in many careers, TELL ME MORE® is the perfect language solution.”
I was impressed when this curriculum arrived in my mailbox. I didn’t know what to expect and was surprised by such a small box. Tell Me More is a DVD-ROM course, so all that’s included in the box is one DVD, and instruction manual, and a microphone/headset. Impressive to this homeschool mom who is running out of room to store all my much-loved curriculum! That little DVD contains thousands of exercises and up to 10 hours of video.
Some of the things that really impress me about this program are that you can get help from their advisers 24/7 (via an online chat service) and the test feature (at any time during the course, you can take a test to evaluate progress – this is especially helpful for parents of older children who are working more independently). Tell Me More is ideal for homeschooling families, as more than one user account can be set up, allowing for multiple users to be learning at their own pace.
The Crew members will be sharing their thoughts here:
(Members – please include the language you reviewed along with your name – thanks!)
Having studied German in Austria using these same methods-this will work if you are serious about learning a foreign language. Makes me want to start on a new one.
Tell Me More Italian contains 5 levels of immersion based education. With 850 hours of instruction for only $249.99 this amazing computer program is an amazing value for homeschoolers.
We're really enjoying this amazing program. Thanks so much for letting us review it. 🙂
Anonymous, my dad used to teach Esperanto on Chicago radio! 🙂 It's still dear to his heart. 🙂
I really loved this program! I'm glad we got the ESL version because it really will come in handy for our family.
We were very impressed with an earlier version of Tell Me More foreign language instruction. The new version is even better!