Apologia Educational Ministries has long been known to homeschoolers for the many products they provide. Their elementary science series, written by Jeannie Fulbright, is an award-winning creation based curriculum. Our crew members got to reviews the latest book in the series, Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics.
Aimed at students in grades K-6, this book contains lessons on simple machines, atoms, molecules, electricity and much more. Written in a conversational style with full color pictures, the book is full of experiments and activities that parents can complete with their children using items mostly found at home. The text can be used to teach multiple children at once, and provides God-honoring instruction as children learn about each topic. The hardcover text costs $39.00
In addition to the text book, Apologia has designed student notebooks to complement the curriculum. The Junior Notebooking Journal is designed for early elementary aged students and includes activities that reinforce the lessons from each chapter at the students level. Some activities in this journal are coloring pages, simple copywork, mini-books, and vocabulary puzzles. The Junior Notebooking Journal costs $24.00.
For older elementary students, Apologia offers the Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics Notebooking Journal. This book also costs $24.00 and includes more advanced copywork, vocabulary, and other activities as well as review questions and note-taking pages.
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