I’m sure that, if you’ve been homeschooling for any length of time, that you have heard of abcteach. It seems like, no matter what I’m looking for, if I do a Google search, abcteach comes up about 99% of the time! They truly have something for every topic!Their website brags 5,000+ FREE printables and worksheets. So, what is the value of membership? First off, members receive access to 35,000+ printables and worksheets (with more being added weekly)! Notice the difference in numbers – that’s 30,000 MORE with membership! Here are a few more benefits:
*Broad range of subjects and levels.
*New materials added weekly to reflect current events and seasonal topics.
*An extensive educational clip art collection that will add color to your classroom.
*No advertising on the member site.
*Customer service representatives who are always available to address your concerns and requests.
*Broad range of subjects and levels.
*New materials added weekly to reflect current events and seasonal topics.
*An extensive educational clip art collection that will add color to your classroom.
*No advertising on the member site.
*Customer service representatives who are always available to address your concerns and requests.
Sound overwhelming? I love the huge directory of topics and all the printables that are available, but I’m particularly fond of the worksheet generators. There is just so much to see that you could spend hours on this site and never see it all!
I wish we got a longer review! It was a great site.
Oh, I so agree… more time to review this would have been fabulous. I loved the site.
Debra at http://debrakb.blogspot.com
Oh, I so agree… more time to review this would have been fabulous. I loved the site.
Debra at http://debrakb.blogspot.com
I just had to purchase the year's subscription to this. Lots of value for you dollar.
I appreciated the opportunity to review this, but it just wasn't a fit for our homeschool.
Lots of info at this site. I wish I could have had more time to look around or that the membership time was longer.
Heidi @ http://www.homeschool-how-to.com
LOVE this site… even the free part! I wish I'd had a longer membership access!
Carrie @ http://www.gingerbreadmommy.blogspot.com
I was pleasantly surprised to find more than worksheets available on this site. There are a lot of fun hands-on, manipulative, and creative resources to be found!
I loved this site and was sad to see the month trial end.
While it is a great site, with a boatload of worksheets, we really don't use worksheets that often.
April E.
Love this site. Renewed my membership, will get a lot of use out of this one!
Did i mention that i love this website? 😉
Edited by abc5d on Nov. 2, 2009 at 11:19 AM
We used the free part of this site when my kids were a bit younger a lot. It was intersting to "check out" the membership part.
While we don't a lot of worksheets, I was able to create activities that weren't twaddle and reinforced much of what we were studying.
Yes, more time would have been nice. So much content!
We loved the site and appreciated the opportunity to review it.
So much to browse through, so little time! Great worksheets!
Lisa C. @ http://www.homesteadblogger.com/wyldhousehomestead/
It has been worth it, when our free membership ran out we bought one for our family. It is used every week, several times a week.