English on a Roll Reviews

English on a Roll
This article is in collaboration with English Roll.

Looking for a fun way to teach Grammar? The Homeschool Review Crew recently had the chance to work with Linda H. Koran’s English Grammar Teaching Game from English on a Roll.

English Grammar Teaching Game was written for the classroom, but can be used with multiple children or adapted to those of us who have a “one and only.” It builds vocabulary, encourages rapid learning, and provides plenty of opportunities for practice. It is based on the Multisensory Structured Language Learning techniques. The activities included stimulate all the pathways in the brain. Students are able to learn visually, audibly and kinesthetically.

The 37 lessons begin with basic grammar and progress systematically. It is intended for ages 5 to adult and can be used in all sorts of settings and is particularly effective with ESL, Special Education, and Beginner Readers.

English on a Roll
The product came with 40 English on a Roll Word Cubes. These Cubes are color-colored by parts of speech. For example, all verbs are red, pronouns are blue and on it goes. Students can build sentences and phrases all while learning the rules of grammar. The English on a Roll Word Cubes can be used with up to 6 students.

We also received the Book One Instructor’s Manual. This manual includes step-by-step lesson plans, teaching guides, learning guides and more. Keep in mind that you don’t have to be a trained teacher or homeschool parent to use the English Grammar Teaching Game! Anyone can use this product to learn grammar in a fun and engaging way.

Connect on Facebook at English on a Roll


A BIG thank you to Rebekah Teague from There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining for writing this introduction article.

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