This article is in collaboration with EdShed.
Math Shed and Spelling Shed are an online subscriptions from Ed Shed designed for your 1st-5th graders to help practice math and spelling skills in a fun web game format. The subscription gives you one year access to the Teacher Hub and Web Game for up to 5 students. Each user creates their own individual login.
The Teacher Hub allows parents to set up students and groups of students called leagues, create assignments with spelling lists or custom spelling lists and to monitor student’s progress.
Students have unlimited access to the web games, and easily switch between Math Shed and Spelling Shed. Students create a personalized avatar that is shared between programs. To upgrade their avatar, they need to earn Honeypots by answering questions correctly within the game.
Students get to practice their math and spelling skills in the Web Game portion of the program.

Spelling Shed includes weekly downloadable spelling curriculum for grades 1-5 that can be accessed from the Teacher Hub. Each week has a lesson plan that corresponds with the grade level, activities and printable practice homework sheets with answers. Parents and students can also create their own customized spelling lists and online spelling challenges with multiple students in leagues.
There are several options for play in Spelling Shed:
- Play – is where they practice spelling a list of 10 words in a timed format
- Beekeeper – allows them to guess the words by choosing letters
- Buzz Words – they create words with random letter tiles
- Hive games – where students can play with others inside the program
In addition, the web games have options they can choose from to adjust the level of difficulty:
- Easy–The word is shown, an audio clip is played and only the included letters are shown.
- Medium–An audio clip is played and only the included letters are shown.
- Hard–an audio clip is played and the included letters plus some random letters are shown.
- Extreme–An audio clip is played and a full qwerty keyboard is shown. Letters must be correctly accented and capitalized.

Math Shed allows students to practice math facts and functions in several categories with the choice of Easy – Medium – Hard.
- Number Bonds
- Times Tables
- Add & Subtract
- Powers of 10
- and More
Correct answers earn Honeypots, the currency of the web game. Students can use these Honeypots to upgrade their avatars with fun accessories like glasses, masks, and jewelry.
Find EdShed on Social Media:
Thank you to Renita Bentz of Mom of Many for writing this introductory article.

Click below to read the reviews from the members of the Homeschool Review Crew who have had the opportunity to use either Math Shed and Spelling Shed in their homes over the past few weeks.
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