Super Teacher Worksheets Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Super Teacher Worksheets.

Sometimes, even with the best of curriculum, we find ourselves looking for a way to provide extra work to help our students grasp the material that we present. We think that maybe a practice worksheet or two over a difficult math or grammar concept would make us as teachers feel better before we move on to the next concept. Maybe you could use a worksheet for mapwork or questions for reading comprehension over a book assigned to your student.

Many times, we turn to a google search, imputing terms such as “parts of butterfly” in the hopes to find what we’re looking for. We’ve all been there. More times than not, this results in finding less than optimal results and we’re left frustrated.

Enter Super Teacher Worksheets, an educational website that provides thousands of printable worksheets for homeschool parents, conveniently in one place. Members of the Crew were each offered an Individual Membership to Super Teacher Worksheets to use with their students.

With math, science, handwriting, grammar, spelling, reading comprehension and literature – there are over 10,000 printable teaching resources for students in grades K through 5. Games such as Bingo, coloring pages, and writing prompts are also available to help make learning fun.

Also included are helpful teacher’s tools such as various award and certificate printables and lesson planners. There are even worksheet generators to produce your own quizzes and worksheets customized towards your chosen curriculum.

Super Teacher Worksheet is an affordable tool for your homeschool. Read below to discover all the ways Crew Members used these resources in their own homeschool setting.

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A big thank you to Brenda Prince of Counting Pinecones for writing this introductory article.

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